Friday, February 11, 2011

Breast Pumps and Taxes: good news!

Taxes - they are often a subject to avoid and fear - however today, thanks to some great pro breastfeeding advocates in our national legislature, the IRS has reversed its previous decision and is now allowing breast pumps to be reimbursable expenses on FSA and tax returns. 

This is great news - the majority of women in the US return to work after giving birth and the breast pump has become an essential part of that equation.  Breastfeeding is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization for all children under six months. Quality, efficient pumps for working moms range form $200 - $350 - this expense is now reimbursable.  Formula will cost the typical American family $3500 per year, the breast pump enables moms to provide a superior product and now the cost of doing so will be reimbursable - very proactive and good for us all - delighted to see this in the news today.

Currently, twenty-four states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have laws related to breastfeeding in the workplace; fully 43 states and the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have laws which allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location.

Work place laws paired with reimbursable breast pumps - it's getting better all the time!

Wendy Wright, MBA, IBCLC (Blossom Board)
Lactation Navigation, LLC

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